Rymys Technology Consultants focuses on clearly understanding customer needs in order to develop action-centric deliverables focused on providing the target audience with resources that encompass the customer’s vision and mission in meeting goals and objectives.
Company Data
- EIN: 46-4611833
- DUNS: 878442529
- CAGE Code: 7AX02
By analyzing business needs, by strategically developing a plan of action, and by developing resources that are used to train and educate what is necessary, Rymys Technology Consultants is necessary to complete your team.
Core Competencies and Differentiators
Core Competencies
- Business Analysis and Strategic Planning
- Project Development and Management
- Instructional Design, Education, and Training
- Over 22 years of experience developing,
implementing, and managing mission-critical projects
with an emphasis on 508-Compliant requirements - Security clearance enabled subcontractor to 3-prime
VA contract holders from 1/2014 to 12/2019
Pertinent Codes
NAICS Codes:
- 541611 Gen Mgt & Consulting Services
- 541613 Marketing Consulting Services
- 614430 Professional Development Training
Product Service Codes
- R497 Personal Services Contracts
- R799 Management Support – Other
- U009 Education/Training – General
- Sub on Prime Contr. #: VA119A-17-J-0051
- Sub on Prime Contr. #: VA119A-15-F-0044
- Sub on Prime Contr. #: VA119-14-J-0014/15